The Code relationship between MindPX and PX4

This picture described the code relationship between MindPX editions and PX4. MindPX dev team contributes to MindPX edition, and part of the contributions will be submitted to OpenMindPX edition and made open under BSD license. From there these contributions can be further committed to PX4. OpenMindPX also synchronizes codes with PX4 periodically to maintain compatibility.
MindPX editions - PX4 compatibility matrix
The compatibility between MindPX editions and PX4 is predicate-ably maintained by MindPX team. The compatibility defined by MindPX team is shown in below's table.

Full - contains all features
Partial - intersected feature sets
OpenMindPX is fully compatible with PX4, as its feature set is superset of PX4. MindPX may be partially compatible with OpenMindPX/PX4 as their feature sets may be intersected.
The compatibility of each MindPX release will be announced in detail in release notes.
MindPX hardware compatibility
Either MindPX, OpenMindPX or PX4 can run on MindPX autopilot hardwares.