7 Build and upload the firmware
Now it is time to get a touch on MindPX hardware!
Connect the hardware
1. connect the USB port on MindPX/MindRacer to computer (mandatory)
2. connect the Debug port on MindPX/MindRacer to computer (optional if you want to see the debug output on your computer)

Build the code and upload
#change directory to firmware's root directory
cd OpenMindPX/
make mindpx-v2_default upload
A successful run will end with this output:
Erase : [====================] 100.0%
Program: [====================] 100.0%
Verify : [====================] 100.0%
[100%] Built target upload
Watch debug output
A serial monitor software is needed on computer to watch the output from MindPX/MindRacer hardware.
On Linux Minicom is recommended.
On MAC the 'screen' tool is recommended.
screen /dev/tty.usbserial 57600 8N1
Note the '/dev/tty.usbserial' is the device name of the debug cable. It maybe different on different computers. Replace it with what it really appears under /dev directory of your machine.